My Health And Figure

I have the honor to join Fashion & Style tips blog to participate in weekly flashes and benefits , in a subject as long as it kept our mind busy . It's food (what to eat , when to eat ) exercise and diet . Every Thursday morning i will write about healthy information through this wonderful blog , where you can find beauty and all that is belong to the art and philosophy of woman ( who test the beauty ) dress . As nutrition and woman figure is part of this art , we decided to join this subject within the system of this blog ........

Dear ... I would like to whisper something to you : your body is an integrated system requires understanding and caring ...

So ,,,, stay tuned every thursday for the useful news in the world of health and food ...... Lets start together this series ,,,,,

With Love



Unknown said...

Glad to see you here Iqpal as it's very important to style our bodies from the inside before our external appearance , where a lot of people would forget about it...waitting for your tips...

Anonymous said...

Thank u sweety your so supportive . I hop you like my tips :) next week ,,,